Glenn Tests the Latest Must-Have Ammo-Accessory After USA Today’s ‘Chainsaw Bayonet’ Debacle

USA Today really missed the mark when they published a Tweet following the Sutherland Springs massacre of all the ways to modify an AR-15 rifle. It isn’t hard to tell that those advocating for stricter gun laws know virtually nothing about guns themselves.

Check out the tweet they ran with.

Can you believe it?

RELATED: Get the Duct Tape: This DIY Demo Will Teach You EXACTLY How to Add a Chainsaw to Your AR-15

It didn’t take long for the internet to troll USA Today so badly they were forced to issue a clarification via a tweet.  And Twitter users were relentless. Infographics of unrealistic AR-15 rifle attachments inundated Twitter. Some included lightsabers and ICBMs attached to rifles.

Check out what Glenn had to say about the frivolity surrounding the claim and read more here.

This article was originally published on

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